P1693 Dodge Cummins Code – Troubleshooting and Solutions

P1693 dodge cummins code

The P1693 code is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that is specific to the Dodge Cummins engine. This code indicates a problem with the companion module communication circuitry in the engine control module (ECM). When this code is present, it can cause various drivability issues and may result in the vehicle failing an emissions test.

There are several potential causes for a P1693 code to appear. It could be due to a faulty ECM, a wiring issue, or a problem with the companion module itself. Additionally, a P1693 code can be triggered if there is an issue with the communication between the ECM and the transmission control module (TCM).

To troubleshoot a P1693 code, it is important to first check for any obvious wiring issues or loose connections. If no problems are found, the next step is to perform a thorough inspection of the ECM and companion module. This may involve testing the circuits and connectors with a multimeter and checking for any signs of damage or corrosion.

If no issues are found with the ECM or companion module, the next step is to diagnose the communication between the ECM and TCM. This can be done using a diagnostic scanner that is capable of reading manufacturer-specific codes. The scanner will be able to provide more detailed information about the specific nature of the communication problem.

Once the cause of the P1693 code has been determined, the appropriate repairs can be made. This may involve replacing the ECM, repairing or replacing any faulty wiring or connectors, or addressing any other issues that were identified during the diagnostic process. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations when making repairs to ensure that the issue is fully resolved.

Overview of P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

P1693 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for Dodge Cummins vehicles. It is associated with the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) in the Electronic Control Module (ECM).

When the ECM is powered on, it reads information from the EEPROM to determine the vehicle’s operating parameters and fuel delivery strategy. If the ECM detects an issue with the EEPROM, it will set the P1693 code and trigger the Check Engine Light.

Causes of P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

There are several potential causes of the P1693 code in Dodge Cummins vehicles, including:

  • EEPROM malfunction
  • Wiring or connector issues in the ECM circuit
  • Power supply problems to the ECM
  • Faulty ECM

Common Symptoms of P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

Some common symptoms that may accompany the P1693 code in Dodge Cummins vehicles include:

  • Check Engine Light illuminated
  • Engine performance issues, such as reduced power or misfiring
  • Difficulty starting the engine

Diagnostic and Repair Procedures

When diagnosing and repairing the P1693 code in a Dodge Cummins vehicle, it is important to follow a systematic approach. Here are some steps that can be taken:

  1. Use an OBD-II scanner to retrieve the trouble codes stored in the ECM.
  2. Inspect the wiring and connectors in the ECM circuit for any damage or corrosion. Repair or replace as necessary.
  3. Check the power supply to the ECM to ensure it is within the proper voltage range. Repair or replace any faulty components.
  4. If no issues are found with the wiring or power supply, it may be necessary to replace the ECM.
  5. After any repairs or replacements, clear the codes and test drive the vehicle to ensure the issue has been resolved.

It is recommended to consult the vehicle’s service manual or seek assistance from a qualified mechanic for a comprehensive diagnosis and repair of the P1693 code in a Dodge Cummins vehicle.

Symptoms of P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

When the P1693 Dodge Cummins code is present, it is an indication that a fault has been detected in the ECM (Engine Control Module) memory.

This code is usually accompanied by other codes, such as P0216 or P0251, which indicate a problem with the fuel injection pump or the fuel system. The P1693 code is a generic code that is used across multiple vehicle manufacturers, but in the case of the Dodge Cummins, it specifically refers to a fault in the ECM memory.

1. Check Engine Light

1. Check Engine Light

One of the most common symptoms of the P1693 code is the illumination of the check engine light on the dashboard. This light serves as a warning that there is a problem with the engine or the vehicle’s emissions system.

2. Engine Performance Issues

Another symptom of the P1693 code is a noticeable decline in engine performance. The engine may run rough, struggle to start, or have reduced power and acceleration. This can be especially evident during heavy loads or while towing.

3. Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Since the P1693 code is often related to fuel system issues, another symptom can be reduced fuel efficiency. The engine may consume more fuel than usual or have poor fuel mileage. This can result in higher fuel costs and a decrease in overall vehicle efficiency.

4. Difficulty Starting

In some cases, the P1693 code can lead to difficulty starting the engine. The engine may crank for an extended period before starting, or it may not start at all. This can be frustrating and inconvenient, especially if you rely on your vehicle for daily transportation.

5. Other Codes

As mentioned earlier, the P1693 code is often accompanied by other codes related to the fuel system or the fuel injection pump. These additional codes can provide more specific information about the exact nature of the problem and can help guide the troubleshooting and repair process.

Code Description
P0216 Fuel Injection Pump Timing Failure
P0251 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control “A” Range/Performance

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and have retrieved the P1693 code, it is important to address the issue promptly. Ignoring the code or not taking appropriate action can result in further damage to the engine or fuel system. It is recommended to consult a qualified mechanic or technician who is familiar with Dodge Cummins engines for proper diagnosis and repair.

Possible Causes of P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

The P1693 code on a Dodge Cummins engine is frequently associated with issues related to communication between the ECM (Engine Control Module) and the TCM (Transmission Control Module). Here are some of the possible causes for this code:

  • A faulty ECM or TCM can cause a P1693 code to appear. If either of these control modules is not functioning properly, it can lead to a breakdown in communication between them, triggering the code.
  • Loose or corroded electrical connections can also contribute to the P1693 code. If the connections between the ECM and TCM are loose or if there is corrosion present, it can disrupt the communication between the modules and result in the code.
  • Faulty sensors can cause the P1693 code to appear. Certain sensors, such as the crankshaft position sensor or the vehicle speed sensor, are crucial for the ECM and TCM to communicate effectively. If any of these sensors are faulty or damaged, it can trigger the code.
  • Issues with the wiring harness can also be a potential cause of the P1693 code. If the wiring harness that connects the ECM and TCM is damaged or worn out, it can impede the flow of communication between the modules and trigger the code.
  • In some cases, the P1693 code may be the result of a software or programming issue. If the ECM or TCM has outdated or incorrect software, it can cause communication problems and trigger the code.

These are some of the possible causes of the P1693 code on a Dodge Cummins engine. It’s important to perform a thorough diagnosis to pinpoint the exact cause of the code before attempting any repairs.

Diagnostic Process for P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

When a P1693 code is recorded in a Dodge Cummins vehicle, it indicates that the companion module has not received any key-on messages from the engine control module (ECM) within a specified amount of time. This often leads to a no-start or intermittent start condition.

To diagnose and resolve the P1693 code in a Dodge Cummins vehicle, follow the diagnostic process outlined below:

  1. Begin by visually inspecting the wiring harnesses and connectors between the ECM and the companion module. Look for any signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion. Repair or replace any damaged components.
  2. Next, check the battery voltage and ensure it is within the manufacturer’s specifications. Low voltage can cause communication issues between the ECM and companion module. If the battery voltage is low, recharge or replace the battery as necessary.
  3. Use a scan tool to check for any additional fault codes present in the ECM or companion module. Address and repair any other codes before proceeding with the P1693 diagnosis.
  4. Perform a reset of the ECM and companion module by disconnecting the battery cables and touching them together for approximately 30 seconds. Reconnect the battery cables and clear any active fault codes.
  5. Start the engine and monitor the communication between the ECM and companion module using a scan tool. If the P1693 code does not reoccur and the vehicle starts and runs normally, the issue may have been resolved. However, if the code reappears or the no-start condition persists, further diagnosis is required.
  6. If the P1693 code persists, use a multimeter to test the communication lines between the ECM and companion module for continuity and proper voltage. Repair any wiring or connection issues that are identified.
  7. If all wiring and connections are confirmed to be in good condition, suspect a faulty ECM or companion module. These modules may need to be replaced and reprogrammed to resolve the P1693 code.
  8. After replacing any components, perform a final scan to clear any remaining fault codes and ensure the P1693 code does not reoccur.

Following this diagnostic process will help identify and resolve the P1693 code in a Dodge Cummins vehicle. It is always recommended to consult the vehicle’s service manual or seek professional assistance for accurate diagnosis and repair.

Common Mistakes when Diagnosing P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

Diagnosing the P1693 code on a Dodge Cummins can be a challenging task, and there are several common mistakes that can be made during the diagnostic process. These mistakes can lead to misdiagnosis or unnecessary repairs, wasting time and money. It is important to be aware of these common mistakes and avoid them to effectively diagnose and fix the issue causing the P1693 code.

1. Neglecting to Perform a Thorough Diagnostic Process: One common mistake is rushing to conclusions without performing a complete diagnostic process. It is vital to follow a step-by-step approach, including checking for other trouble codes, inspecting wiring and connectors, and performing necessary tests using appropriate diagnostic equipment. Skipping these steps can result in misdiagnosis and ineffective repairs.

2. Failing to Address Underlying Issues: The P1693 code is a companion code that indicates a fault in the companion ECM or PCM. However, it is important to recognize that this code is often triggered by another underlying issue, such as a faulty sensor or wiring problem. Failing to address the underlying issue can lead to the P1693 code reoccurring even after replacing the ECM or PCM.

3. Overlooking Loose Battery Connections: Loose or corroded battery connections can cause electrical problems and lead to the P1693 code being triggered. It is crucial to inspect and clean battery terminals and connections to ensure a secure and reliable electrical connection. Neglecting this simple step can result in unnecessary repairs and continued illumination of the P1693 code.

4. Ignoring TSBs and Technical Information: Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) and manufacturer-provided technical information can provide valuable insights and guidance for diagnosing and repairing the P1693 code. Ignoring these resources can lead to overlooking common issues and potential solutions. It is essential to consult TSBs and technical information specific to the Dodge Cummins to enhance diagnostic accuracy.

5. Failing to Clear Codes and Perform a Test Drive: After addressing the underlying issue causing the P1693 code and making necessary repairs, it is crucial to clear the codes using a diagnostic scan tool. Additionally, performing a test drive can help verify if the issue has been resolved and if the P1693 code reoccurs. Failing to clear codes and perform a test drive can result in incomplete repairs and the persistence of the P1693 code.

Avoiding these common mistakes when diagnosing the P1693 code on a Dodge Cummins can lead to more accurate diagnoses, effective repairs, and ultimately, a reliable and functioning vehicle.

How to Fix P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

When your Dodge Cummins displays the P1693 code, it means that there is a fault with the built-in memory of the ECM (Engine Control Module) or PCM (Powertrain Control Module). This code is specific to Dodge vehicles and typically indicates an issue with the communication circuit between the ECM and the PCM.

Here are some steps you can take to fix the P1693 code:

1. Check the wiring and connections:

Start by inspecting the wiring and connections between the ECM and the PCM. Look for any loose or damaged wires, and ensure that all connectors are securely attached. If you find any issues, repair or replace the affected parts.

2. Reset the ECM and PCM:

Next, try resetting the ECM and PCM by disconnecting the battery for about 15 minutes. This can clear any temporary faults and reset the communication circuit. After reconnecting the battery, start the vehicle and see if the P1693 code returns.

3. Scan for other fault codes:

In some cases, the P1693 code may be accompanied by other fault codes that can provide further information about the specific issue. Use a diagnostic scanner to scan for any additional codes and address them accordingly.

4. Perform a software update:

If the wiring, connections, and fault codes check out, there may be a software issue with the ECM or PCM. Check with your local Dodge dealership for any available software updates or calibration files that can be applied to the modules. Updating the software can sometimes resolve communication issues.

5. Seek professional assistance:

If you are unable to fix the P1693 code with the aforementioned steps, or if you are not comfortable performing these tasks yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. A certified technician with experience in Dodge Cummins vehicles will have the necessary tools and expertise to diagnose and repair the communication issue.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix the P1693 code on your Dodge Cummins. Remember to always exercise caution and consult the vehicle’s manual or a professional technician when in doubt.

Replacement Parts for P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

If you have encountered the P1693 code on your Dodge Cummins truck, it is important to address the issue promptly. This code indicates a problem with the ECM (Engine Control Module) or PCM (Powertrain Control Module) communication circuit. In order to resolve this issue, you may need to replace certain parts.

1. ECM or PCM

The first component to consider replacing is the ECM or PCM itself. These control modules are responsible for managing the communication between various systems in your vehicle. If they are faulty or malfunctioning, they can trigger the P1693 code. Ensure that you get a replacement that is compatible with your specific Dodge Cummins model.

2. Wiring Harness

Faulty wiring or a damaged wiring harness can also cause communication issues between the ECM or PCM and other components. Inspect the wiring harness and look for any signs of damage, such as frayed wires or loose connections. If necessary, replace the wiring harness to ensure proper communication between the modules.

3. Electrical Connectors

Check the electrical connectors that are connected to the ECM or PCM. Corrosion or loose connections can disrupt the communication signals and trigger the P1693 code. Clean the connectors thoroughly and secure them properly. If the connectors are damaged or corroded beyond repair, consider replacing them with new ones.

Component Part Number Manufacturer
ECM 123456789 Example Manufacturer
PCM 987654321 Example Manufacturer
Wiring Harness 456789012 Example Manufacturer
Electrical Connectors 789012345 Example Manufacturer

When replacing any of these parts, it is crucial to use high-quality components from reputable manufacturers. This will help ensure the durability and reliability of the replacements. Additionally, following the proper installation procedures and guidelines provided by the manufacturer is essential for a successful repair.

It is always recommended to consult a professional mechanic or refer to the vehicle’s service manual when dealing with complex electrical issues like the P1693 code. They will have the expertise and tools necessary to diagnose the exact cause of the problem and determine the appropriate replacement parts.

Tips to Prevent P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

The P1693 code on a Dodge Cummins indicates a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) that relates to a companion DTC that is stored in another module. This code is commonly seen in vehicles with a Cummins engine, and it can cause various issues if left unchecked. Here are some tips to help prevent the P1693 code from appearing:

1. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your Dodge Cummins in top condition and prevent the occurrence of any codes, including the P1693 code. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals and perform routine checks on the engine, transmission, and other systems. Regular oil changes, fluid top-ups, and filter replacements can go a long way in preventing any potential issues.

2. Address Other DTCs Promptly

The P1693 code is often an indicator of a companion DTC stored in another module. It’s crucial to address any other diagnostic trouble codes that may be present in your vehicle promptly. Neglecting these codes can lead to more significant issues down the line and increase the chances of triggering the P1693 code. Use a reliable OBD-II scanner to read and diagnose any DTCs, and take the necessary steps to fix them as soon as possible.

By following these tips, you can help prevent the P1693 code from appearing in your Dodge Cummins and ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly. Regular maintenance and prompt addressing of any other DTCs can go a long way in keeping your engine and other systems in top condition.

Frequently Asked Questions about P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

If you own a Dodge Cummins and have encountered the P1693 code, you likely have some questions about what it means and how to resolve it. Below are some frequently asked questions about the P1693 Dodge Cummins code:

Question Answer
What does the P1693 code indicate? The P1693 code indicates a companion diagnostic trouble code (DTC) has been set. It often signifies that there is an additional DTC stored in the engine control module (ECM) memory.
How do I diagnose the P1693 code? To diagnose the P1693 code, a diagnostic scan tool or code reader is needed. The tool will read the additional DTC stored in the ECM memory and provide further diagnostic information.
What could be causing the P1693 code? There are several potential causes for the P1693 code, including issues with the ECM, wiring or electrical connections, sensors, or other components related to the engine control system.
Can I still drive my vehicle with the P1693 code? While it may be possible to drive your vehicle with the P1693 code, it is generally not recommended. The code indicates an issue with the engine control system, and driving with a potential problem could lead to further damage or unsafe conditions.
How do I clear the P1693 code? Clearing the P1693 code requires resolving the underlying issue causing the code to be set. Once the issue has been resolved, the code can be cleared using a diagnostic scan tool or code reader.
Can I fix the P1693 code myself? Depending on your mechanical skills and knowledge, you may be able to fix the P1693 code yourself. However, diagnosing and resolving the issue often require specialized tools and expertise, so it is recommended to consult with a professional mechanic.
What are some common solutions for the P1693 code? Common solutions for the P1693 code include checking and repairing wiring or electrical connections, replacing faulty sensors or components, updating the ECM software, or addressing any other issues identified during the diagnostic process.

If you have any further questions or concerns about the P1693 Dodge Cummins code, it is best to consult with a qualified technician who can provide personalized assistance and guidance.

Additional Resources for P1693 Dodge Cummins Code

When diagnosing and troubleshooting the P1693 code in your Dodge Cummins, it can be helpful to consult additional resources beyond just the code definition. Here are some helpful resources that can provide you with more information and guidance:

1. Repair Manuals

Repair manuals specific to your Dodge Cummins model can be a valuable resource when trying to understand and troubleshoot the P1693 code. These manuals provide detailed information on the operation, components, and troubleshooting procedures for your vehicle. They can often be found online or at local automotive stores.

2. Online Forums and Communities

Online forums and communities dedicated to Dodge Cummins owners and enthusiasts can be a great source of information and support. These forums allow you to connect with other Cummins owners who may have encountered and resolved similar issues. You can ask questions, share your experiences, and get advice from fellow owners and experts.

3. Diagnostic Tools

Investing in quality diagnostic tools can greatly assist in diagnosing and troubleshooting the P1693 code. Tools such as OBD-II scanners and code readers allow you to retrieve and interpret the code, as well as access additional data and parameters from your vehicle’s onboard computer system. This can help you pinpoint the root cause of the issue and make more informed decisions regarding the necessary repairs.

4. Manufacturer Technical Support

If you are unable to find the information you need or are unsure how to proceed with troubleshooting the P1693 code, reaching out to the manufacturer’s technical support can be beneficial. They have access to comprehensive knowledge and expertise specific to your Dodge Cummins model. They can provide guidance, answer your questions, and offer recommendations for next steps.

Remember, while these additional resources can be helpful in diagnosing and troubleshooting the P1693 code, it is always recommended to consult a qualified mechanic or technician if you are unsure or uncomfortable performing the repairs yourself. They have the expertise and proper tools to diagnose and repair the issue accurately and safely.

Related Codes: P1690 Dodge Cummins P1691 Dodge Cummins
Common Causes: Faulty ECM Malfunctioning VP44 fuel injection pump Poor electrical connection
Possible Solutions: Check and repair any electrical connections Test and replace the ECM if necessary Test and replace the VP44 fuel injection pump if necessary

Similar Error Codes to P1693 for Dodge Cummins

While the P1693 error code is specific to Dodge Cummins, there are a few other codes that are similar and may indicate similar issues with your vehicle. Here are some of the most common error codes that are related to P1693:

  • P0500 – Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction
  • P0605 – Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error
  • P1694 – No CCD Messages Received From ECM
  • P1698 – PCM Failure EEPROM Write Denied
  • P2509 – ECM/PCM Power Input Signal Intermittent

These codes are often related to communication issues between different control modules in your Dodge Cummins, or problems with the power supply to the ECM/PCM. If you encounter any of these codes along with P1693, it is recommended to diagnose and address the underlying issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your vehicle.

Which Dodge Cummins Models are Affected by P1693 Code?

The P1693 code is a generic code that is specific to Dodge Cummins diesel engines. It can be found in a variety of Dodge Cummins models, including:

Model Year Range
Dodge Ram 2500 1998-2002
Dodge Ram 3500 1998-2002

These models are equipped with the Cummins 5.9L diesel engine, which is prone to certain issues that can trigger the P1693 code. This code typically indicates a problem with the companion module or a communication error between the main engine control module (ECM) and the companion module.

If you own a Dodge Cummins model within the specified year range and are experiencing the P1693 code, it is recommended to perform a thorough diagnostic to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue. This may involve checking the wiring harness and connections, inspecting the companion module for any signs of damage or corrosion, and testing the ECM and companion module communication.



The P1693 code can be found in Dodge Cummins models such as the Ram 2500 and Ram 3500, both of which are equipped with the Cummins 5.9L diesel engine. If you are encountering this code, it is essential to conduct a proper diagnosis to determine the root cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to resolve it.


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Consultation with Professionals

It is recommended that you consult with a qualified professional or technician before attempting any repairs or modifications to your Dodge Cummins vehicle. Every vehicle is unique and may require specific knowledge and expertise to diagnose and address any issues effectively. Professional advice should always be sought to ensure the safety and proper functioning of your vehicle.

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What does the P1693 code mean for a Dodge Cummins?

The P1693 code for a Dodge Cummins indicates that there is a problem with the diagnostic communication between the engine computer and the transmission control module.

What are some possible causes of the P1693 code?

There are several potential causes for the P1693 code, including a faulty transmission control module (TCM), a problem with the wiring or connectors between the TCM and engine computer, or a software issue with either module.

How can I diagnose the cause of the P1693 code?

To diagnose the cause of the P1693 code, you will need a scan tool that is capable of communicating with both the engine computer and the transmission control module. You can use the scan tool to read the stored trouble codes, check for any communication errors between the modules, and perform other diagnostic tests as needed.

What are some possible solutions for the P1693 code?

If you have identified a faulty transmission control module, you will likely need to replace it. If there is a problem with the wiring or connectors, you will need to inspect and repair the affected components. In some cases, a software update or reprogramming of the modules may be necessary to resolve the issue.

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